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Two Korean undersea feature names newly registered in the GEBCO Gazetteer of Undersea Feature Names

The Korea Hydrographic and Oceanographic Administration (KHOA) has successfully registered two new Korean undersea feature names in the IHO-IOC General Bathymetric Chart of the Oceans (GEBCO) Gazetteer of Undersea Feature Names. The recent 27th GEBCO Sub-Committee on Undersea Feature Names (SCUFN) meeting, held in Monaco on June 16-20, 2014 reviewed and approved the two name proposals submitted by KHOA.

The newly registered undersea feature names are“Hangari Knoll” and “Paeraengi Knoll” located in the Eastern Pacific Ocean. “Hangari”is the Korean word for “pottery,” a specific type of which is used to store grains or Korean traditional sauces and foods such as kimchi. “Paeraengi” means the traditional “hat,” which was worn by soldiers and peddlers during the Joseon Dynasty. These undersea features were named accordingly as their shapes are similar to that of these Korean traditional articles. The IHO Hydrographic Dictionary defines “knoll” as an elevation on the sea floor somewhat smaller than a seamount and of rounded profile characteristically isolated or as a cluster.

Currently, a total of 45 Korean undersea feature names are registered in the GEBCO Gazetteer of Undersea Feature Names. These names are used on various charts and nautical publications published by renowned map publishing companies around the world. This will help enhance the status of Korea as a maritime power and contribute to the standardization of marine geographical names both at home and abroad.
