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Korea Ocean Observing Network (KOON)

Korea Hydrographic and Oceanographic Agency (KHOA) operates Korea Ocean Observing Network (KOON) that consists of Tidal Stations, Ocean Stations, Ocean Buoys, Surface Currents Stations and Ocean Research station.

KOON is providing real-time ocean information with improved data quality in order to meet the needs of oceanic industry, military and general public.
  • Tidal Station

    Tidal Station
    As the first ocean observatory generation in Korea, Tidal Stations are located on shore of major ports and islands, and mainly sea level data are obtained.
  • Wave Stations

    Ocean Station
    Ocean Stations are fixed offshore facilities with a beacon and dolphin. Offshore wave data are mainly provided.
  • Ocean Buoys

    Ocean Buoy
    Ocean Buoys(Anchored) consists of ocean observation sensors, telecommunication equipment, and power, etc. The buoys are installed offshore where the stations couldn’t be built.
  • Ocean Research Stations

    Surface Currents Stations
    High Frequency (HF) radar systems measure the speed and direction of surface currents in real-time.
  • Ocean Research Stations

    Ocean Research Station
    Ocean Research Station, relatively large ocean observatory, is located in the important sea area in terms of oceanic environment and economy. It has heliport and simple residence besides a various kind of observation equipment.