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  • 메인으로

History of Construction
1995 On-the-spot maritime survey (sounding, height of sealevel, tide/current observation)
1996 On-the-spot maritime survey (Blue),
production of second-dimentional mathematical model experiment, design and working condition
1997 On-the-spot maritime survey (Blue),
Exploration of precision submarine topography, concpet design and contrl system of structure
and basic design of control system design, observatory / control system.
1998 submarine ground boring and martirial analyis, execution drawing of structure, opeartion plan of research station.
1999 Determination of choice, puchase and location of observation equipment, observation/control system Design.
Test, study on methods of intformation utilizaion by fields, third-dimentional mathermatical model experiment.
2000 Determination of hydrodynamics by breaking-induced currents, writing of task order and construction specification.
Choice of Hyundai Heavy Industries as manufaturing and
establishing enterprises and determination of responsible audit enterprise.
2001 Detailed design of research station, wind tunnel/numerical experiment fo raising safty Detailed design of
remote observation/control/communication system, purchase of observation equipment.
2002 Manufacture and temporary establishment(within Hyundai Heavy Industries) of structure and
remote observation/control/communication system.
Temporary operation of research station. Completion of establishment of sbustructure in October.
2003 Completion of establishment and test run of superstructure in April, Establishment and test working.
The ceremony for the completion on June 11th at present, carrying out study on operation and utilization of research station.