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  • 메인으로

Research Equipment

As of January 30. 2008

Division Name Volume
Description Remark
(million KRW)
Surveying equipment Gravimeter 4 Terrestrial gravity obeservation -
Magnetometer 5 Terrestrial magnetism observation -
Sub-bottom profiler 3 Sub-bottom structure, geological survey -
Side scan sonar 4 Investigation of obstacles such as reefs and sunken ships -
Single-beam echo sounder 17 Sounding -
Multi-beam echo sounder 7 Seafloor topography surveying -
Synchronization unit 1 Adjustment of signal time for each equipment -
Sound velocity profiler 3 Underwater acoustic velocity surveying -
Bottom sampler 1 Sea-bottom sediments smapling -
Theodolite 5 Angle observation -
Level 6 Leveling -
Electro optical distance meter 1 Range finding -
Total station 2 Surveying angles and ranges -
Laser range finder 2 Finding target ranges -
Beacon receiver 1 Finding target positions -
Differential global positioning system 13 Finding target positions -
Sextant 4 Angle observation -
Three-arm protractor 3 Finding a position with the use of three targets
and the resulting two angles
Data porcessing system
(S/W included)
15 Processing data taken during oceanographic surveying -
Data distribution system 2 Interior communication networking and data logging -
Underwater camer 1 Underwater videography -
Winch, UPS, and more 9 Aiding oceanographic research -
Subtotal 109 - 10,869
Observation equipment Conductivity temperature depth profiler 7 Surveying the water depth, temperature, and salinity -
Expendable bathythermograph 2 water depth and temperature -
Current meter 20 Observing flux, velocities, directions of sea currents -
Acoustic doppler current profiler 5 Surveying seawater currents and velocities -
Recording Doppler current profiler 1 Surveying currents and velocities according to seawater layers -
Wave meter 2 Observing wave height and length -
High rate picture transmission 2 Receiving data transmitted from a satellite -
Automatic weather system 2 Marine weather observation -
Moving vessel profiler 1 Measurement of acoustic velocity, water temperature, and plankton -
HF-Radar 2 Observation of regional sea level changes -
Movable tide gauge 14 Tide level observation (movable) -
Remotely operated tide gauge 36 Tide level observation (fixed) -
Subtotal 94 - 4,868
Total - 203 - 15,737